As the name suggests, landscape contractors are mainly responsible for maintaining a landscape. Using the right landscaping tools, equipment, and expertise, the contractors easily carry out the maintenance tasks.

But that’s not it. Many other profitable landscaping services include landscape design, landscape lighting, path and driveway installation, snow removal and ice management, and irrigation and property maintenance. However, it’s essential to know that these are not the ONLY services landscape contractors offer.

Follow this guide till the end to know what services you can expect from **landscape contractors.**

Types of Landscaping Services Offered by Landscape Contractors

While landscape contractors offer hundreds of services, we have compiled a landscaping services list consisting of the top seven services you usually get from landscape contractors.

These include:

  1. Landscape Design

This is one of the primary, and among the most profitable landscaping services every landscape contractor offers. It includes designing outdoor spaces to make them more appealing. Remember that landscape design can be offered as a standalone service and as part of larger landscaping projects, too. Make sure to consider this point before picking the landscape design service.

Design experts carry out consultations with the customers to offer a complete design pattern that would complement their property design. The design consists of hardscape, xeriscape, and softscape considerations.

  1. Landscape Maintenance

Landscape maintenance includes both lawn bed and spring maintenance. This is done to ensure all the plants and grass stay green and healthy. To carry out the maintenance, the contractors provide services that include mowing, mulching, pruning, weeding, fertilizing, trimming, and anything else needed to maintain the landscape.

Landscape contractors have a well-trained crew with expertise in all these aspects and a wide knowledge and understanding of plants, grass, and other aspects of the landscape.

The goal is to provide even height and clean lines between lawns that look aesthetically pleasing, giving that wow factor to the customer’s landscape.

  1. Path and Driveway Installation

Landscape contractors also ****offer path and driveway installation services to improve outdoor spaces. The goal is to create a beautiful yet functional walkway that complements your house.

It starts with material selection, followed by selecting the design and layout that gives a natural flow while prioritizing functionality. This is followed by proper excavation and material installation. High-end services also include drainage solutions to prevent water pooling.

  1. Snow Removal and Ice Management

Ice management is another important service offered by landscape contractors. This includes inspecting your property thoroughly to recommend the right deicing materials and equipment. They also provide de-icing applications using salt, sand, and other ice metals. The important part of this service includes removing snow efficiently from patios, driveways, walkways, and other such places to keep the passage safe and clean during the snow seasons.

  1. Bin Rental Service

Though bin rental services are not really a part of landscape services, they can become one of the most profitable landscaping services. The goal is to make waste removal easier for big construction projects. Bin rental services include convenient placement of bins directly nearest to your property to eliminate the hassle of transporting the waste to landfills.